The Delhi Assembly Election 2025, set for February 5, 2025 (Wednesday), is shaping up to be an intense three-way battle among the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and the Congress. AAP is striving for a third consecutive term, the BJP is making a determined push to reclaim power after 27 years, and Congress is fighting to stay relevant in a state it governed for 15 years before Arvind Kejriwal's rise to power in 2013. As the Delhi Assembly elections approach, the Rajasthan-based Phalodi Satta Bazar has provided intriguing insights into how the electoral battle is unfolding. Renowned for its controversial yet often accurate predictions, this betting hub is situated in Phalodi district, within the buffer zone of the Thar Desert, about 142 km from Jodhpur. Normally a quiet town known for its thriving salt and plaster of Paris industries, Phalodi has gained nationwide fame as a focal point for election betting, with a reputation for rarely missing the m...
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