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How Yoga Changed Our Lives?

Couple Doing Yoga

I have been practicing Yoga Asanas regularly since 2012 and started learning about Yoga Philosophy in 2017. My answer states the effect of practice at two levels - Physical (Material) and Conscious (Mind).

I would like briefly like to mention basic tenets of yoga are described in the form of “eight limbs” or “steps” described by the sage, Patanjali, to give some background. The eight steps are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi. Evaluating these eight stages:

Human Conduct: Yama (General Ethical Principles) and Niyama (Self-Restraint - Individual Morality and Behavior) are recommendations for Humane Behavior.
Human Body: Asana (Yogic Poses) and Pranayama (Breath Control) discipline the body and mind, and its regular practice is conducive to physical, physiological, psychological, and mental health.
Consciousness: Pratyahara (Detachment from the external world) focuses on bringing the attention of an individual (through sense organs) from outside to inside. Dharana (Concentration), Dhyana (Prolonged Concentration) and Samadhi (Realization) are the Conscious aspects of Yoga Philosophy.
From what I have experienced through the practice of Yoga Philosophy (Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama), at the physical level:

My awareness of my physical body has increased. By awareness, I refer, to my attention to alignment of my body, where I observe postures and different activities that we do (like curving the back, putting excess weight on one leg instead of distributing it equally, etc.,), and identify beneficial from detrimental ones.
This increased awareness, has helped me analyze each and every small action I undertake. One example is that of eating - I eat with awareness, how the food I consume affects me internally, my energy levels, if I overate .,etc. This process is self-reliant, and sustainable.
Asanas and Pranyama, have a cleansing and relaxing effect on the body. After my practice, I find myself in more relaxed and calm state of mind. To mention, I had short temper, and my practice has changed my temperament (I rarely get angry).
Yogic poses are holistic for the body, and I often practice sequences, to strengthen my weakness. I found, that I could practice even through different injuries and physical conditions to restore my physical health.
Lastly, while practicing Yoga Asanas and Pranayama, one is required to be 100% present, and observe, their entire body (not just arms or legs but spread the inherent awareness). Evaluating the state of body and mind, to make subtle changes for receiving maximum benefit of the pose. This practice of constant self-study (svadhyaya), has helped me become aware of stress, strain etc., which I need to work on and be considerate of what my body can do instead of forcing my body (leading to injuries) and learn from my failures instead of crying over them. This practice inculcates Yama and Niyama as well, where I can bring in the Conscious aspects.
At Conscious level -

Yoga Philosophy and integrating Yama and Niyama has made me a compassionate individual (Ahimsa - Nonviolence).
My perspective on life has become holistic, rooted in truth and being honest (Satya). By honest I mean, throughout the practice, there exists an attempt to observe my pose as it is (where by legs are, arms are etc.,). Without an honest evaluation of my pose, I will NOT make any progress. This principle, has helped me evaluate every aspect of my life with honesty and accept my current state (santosa, - contentment with what I have at present moment).
The practice has made me aware of what I need and remove my unnecessary desires, as while practicing the pose, we get rid of lot of mistakes to perfect the pose and same principle holds true in life. (asteya - freedom from avarice).
The practice, has opened a new dimension of my life, where I can discriminate my likes, thoughts, desires and evaluate them more closely (tapas - discipline, svadhyaya - self study), helping me improve my living and relationships.
Overall, this practice has expanded my awareness, and though I may not be at my maximum, Yoga practice serves a constant guide for my life ahead.

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