Well I am the One of Person Who Always criticizes the Education Policy of India But this NEP Covers all the Criticism and Took a Revolution in world of Education .
Here I am going to tell Positives of National Education Policy:
1. The First and Biggest of Criticism Against Education System is that Our Education System divides Student in Three Stream i.e- Arts,Science and Commerce and This is Problematic because it binds the students in Particular subjects but many times students wants to study Subjects from Different Streams For Instance I also to Study Physics ,Chemistry ,Math with Political Science and Economics But Non Medical Science Binds me in P,C,M with IP & English. But Now Government Changes this Now Students are Free to choose any Subjects from any Stream i.e- Physics with History and many More combinations.
2. 10+2 becomes 5+3+3+4 , which is Similar to western culture education . Below Image Provide More information about this .

3.Reduction in the importance of Board Exams in Class 11 and 12th and One more Important and interesting thing ..Students will get Result on the basis of Self Assessment (Also Other colleagues Evaluation Matters) as well as teacher's Assessment which is Now only Teacher's Assessment. And in new Education Policy Exam structure quite similar to Colleges Semester Exams which is conducted 2 times a year
4.New Education policy have 6% of GDP of India which is currently approx 3 %. This is important step because Education leads to Development and Education is the one of the best thing in which government must have to Invest.
5. Coding From class 6 which is currently from class 11 . Coding makes a person to think out of the box and increases thinking ability . So I talk More About this in New Blog.
6. Focus on Practical,Vocational Training's which reduces use of memorization and this is Achieved by Objectives exams and Training's.But in Today's scenario student have to memorize many things.
Changes After Class 12
Multiple Entry - Exit Programme which means Student can leave any course in any point of time and he also gets the credit for completed Things. For Example , I started my B. tech and Leave after 1 year then College Provide me certificate for that but in Current Scenario No Certification or any credit is provided.
Structure is Like
Year Credit
1 Year Completed - Certificated
2 Year Completed - Diploma
3 Year Completed - bachelor Degree
4 Year Completed - Bachelor Research Degree
Note- MA and MSc courses will last just one year for those with four year graduate degrees and 2 years for three years degrees.
7. Now Top 100 Foreign will get permission to set up their campuses in India which is Firstly Discussed by Congress and BJP is the one who criticize this but this they Give permission for this.
Government Aims:
for Students:
Focus on Vocational training's and they will get Exposure till 2025 for 50% students
For Teachers:
A conman Standard will be develop in future for teacher by 2022 and by 2030 ..B.ed degree is necessary to become teacher
Negative of NEP
1. The point where this policy is criticize is for language
"As per the new NEP the medium of instruction until at least class 5 but preferably till 8 and beyond , will be the home language , mother language , local language and Regional language"
But I will prefer English as Medium because English is global language and It also create problem when a student shifted from one state to another like from Kerala to Mumbai then it is difficult for him to adopt from Kannada to Marathi.
2. Many Teacher's and Students criticize NEP by calling 'Anti-Democratic' and some Political parties also like CPM because Education is concurrent topic which comes under state and Central but in NEP Central government tries to Centralized the power and no Points are included from State Governments which is totally wrong
and One which proves centralization is that "State concerns go unanswered in NEP 2020" which means A new Board will be formed for Implementation of NEP and state have no powers which I also thinks an Antidemocratic Step.
These All the Positives and Negative points of the new NEP but the thing is that it is more theoretical I don't know how govt. going to implement this because in Today's Scenario in many States , Number of teachers are not sufficient for students then they how will manage such a large of Teachers and others problems which is Not even Provided in Old NEP.
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Very Beautiful explanation Sir