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IIT give Relaxation in FY20 for Admissions

Class XII marks won't be criterion for admission into IITs this ...
By watching the Current scenario of Corona Pandemic IIT decides to give relaxation to the students for admissions this year .

On Friday HRD Minister  Ramesh Pokhriyal 'Nishank'  announced some relaxations for admissions in Indian Institutes of Technology. The students clearing Joint Entrance Examination (Advanced) will be eligible for admission in Indian Institutes of Technology, irrespective of theirs marks in class 12 board examination. "Qualified candidates who have passed class XII examinations will now be eligible for admissions irrespective of marks obtained," the minister said in a series of tweets.

As several boards 'partially' cancelled their class 12 examinations in the wake of coronavirus outbreak in the country, the HRD ministry have decided to change the admission norms for IITs. "Due to the partial cancellation of class XII exams by several Boards, Joint Admission Board (JAB) has decided to relax the eligibility criterion for JEE Advanced 2020  qualified candidates this time," Pokhriyal said. Apart from qualifying the JEE (Advanced), a minimum score of 75% marks in class 12 board examinations or rank among the top 20 percentile in the qualifying examinations was required for admission in IITs. "IITs will do away with admission criterion of minimum 75% marks in class 12 this year," the HRD minister said today. The schools in the country has been shut since the last week of March to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. Many examinations has been cancelled or postponed in the wake of pandemic. The HRD ministry postponed the JEE examinations citing high number of caseloads. The JEE examination will now held between September 1 to 6 and JEE advanced examination will be held on September 27.JEE (Main) for admissions to engineering were to take place in July, JEE (Advanced), for admission to the IITs, was due in August."Keeping in mind the safety of students and to ensure quality education, we have decided to postpone JEE and NEET examinations," Union HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal tweeted.

In view of the current situation arising from the covid-19 pandemic, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has decided that the JEE (Main) 2020 will now be held in (1- 6) September from 9 am to 12 pm in the first shift and from 3 pm to 6 pm the second shift," NTA said. The agency said it will allow aspirants to modify the applications, including changes in the city or exam centres, if required.

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